† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos. 2014CB921401, 2017YFA0304300, 2014CB921202, and 2016YFA0300601), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11674376), and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB07010300).
We study the effect of longitudinally applied field modulation on a two-level system using superconducting quantum circuits. The presence of the modulation results in additional transitions and changes the magnitude of the resonance peak in the energy spectrum of the qubit. In particular, when the amplitude λz and the frequency ωl of the modulation field meet certain conditions, the resonance peak of the qubit disappears. Using this effect, we further demonstrate that the longitudinal field modulation of the Xmon qubit coupled to a one-dimensional transmission line could be used to dynamically control the transmission of single-photon level coherent resonance microwave.
Superconducting circuits are promising candidates in realizing scalable quantum computing.[1] The quantum coherence properties of superconducting qubits have been improved significantly over the past decade with a five orders of magnitude increase in coherence time, owing to progress in the optimization of materials, device design, and fabrication process.[2] The steady effort on the issues of measurement technique and isolation of modes and infrared radiation has also contributed to the performance of superconducting circuits.
Superconducting qubits can be regarded as two-level systems and the study of their quantum behavior is essential. Quantum two-level systems have been extensively studied in-depth. The simplest situation is its evolution driven by a resonant transverse field. The stationary Hamiltonian of the two-level systems is
In this work, we explore the effect of LFM on a two-level system using a Xmon superconducting qubit device. In Section
Two samples were used in this work. The superconducting qubit is of Xmon type in both samples.[17] The energy gap of the qubit can be adjusted by an external flux bias. In the first one, a Xmon qubit is capacitively coupled to a λ / 4 coplanar waveguide (CPW) resonator that is coupled to a CPW transmission line. In this sample, the qubit state is readout by the dispersive method via the λ / 4 resonator. In the second sample, a Xmon qubit is directly coupled to a transmission line and the interaction between an artificial atom (i.e., the Xmon qubit) and photons transmitted in the transmission line can be investigated. The optical micrographs of the two samples are shown in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) (a) Schematic illustration of Rabi oscillation. (b) Schematic illustration for the disappearance of Rabi oscillation with LFM. |
The samples were fabricated using a process involving electron-beam-lithography (EBL) and double-angle evaporation. In brief, a 100 nm thick Al layer was firstly deposited on a 10 mm × 10 mm sapphire substrate by means of electron-beam evaporation, followed by EBL and wet etching to produce large structures such as microwave coplanar-waveguide resonators/transmission lines, capacitors of Xmon qubit, and electric leads. The EPL resist used was ZEP520 and the wet etching process was carried out using aluminum etchant type A. In the next step, the Josephson junctions of qubits were fabricated using the double-angle evaporation process. In this step, the under cut structure was created using a PMMA-MMA double layer EBL resist following a process similar to that reported in Ref. [18]. During the evaporation, the bottom electrode was about 30 nm thick while the top electrode was about 100 nm thick with intermediate oxidation.
In the measurements, the sample was mounted in an aluminum alloy sample box which was fixed on the mixing chamber stage of a dilution refrigerator. The temperature of the mixing chamber was below 15 mK during measurements. The input microwave lines and qubit fast bias control lines were heavily attenuated. Lines for qubit dc bias control were filtered using filters (RLC ELECTRONICS F-10-200-R) that functioned as combination of low-pass filter and copper powder filter. A bias-tee was used to combine the dc bias and LFM produced by an arbitrary wave generator (AWG). The microwave output signal from the transmission line was amplified (≈ 39 dB) by a cryogenic HEMT amplifier mounted at the 4 K stage and a room temperature amplifier (≈ 38 dB) before being measured either by a home-built heterodyne acquisition system or a vector network analyzer. The measurement set-ups are schematically shown in Figs.
Consider a simple two-level system subject to simultaneous longitudinal field modulation and transverse field drive. The Hamiltonian can be expressed as
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To study the effect of LFM, we apply uniform transformation
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From Eq. (
To verify the effective Rabi oscillations induced by the LFM at different amplitude and frequency, we performed excitation spectra measurements on a Xmon qubit by applying the continuous weak transverse field drive through XY control line and LFM through Z control line. Similar experiments were conducted in Ref. [15] for a superconducting transmon qubit. In the spectra measurements, the intensity of the corresponding transitions is proportional to the population that can be obtained from the density matrix.
The time evolution of the density matrix of the system is described by the master equation
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We first measured the basic characteristic parameters of the samples. For the first sample, the maximum frequency of the Xmon qubit is
In Fig.
The dependence of the Xmon qubit energy level difference on the external flux is not linear. Therefore, in order to obtain a sinusoidal modulation, we need to calibrate the output voltage waveform of the AWG used in our measurements. This can be easily done with the AWG according to the above mentioned relations among ħω01, EJ, and Φ.
We measured the excitation spectra with a fixed LFM frequency of 20 MHz and investigated its variation with LFM amplitude. The experiment results are shown in Fig.
We note that in Fig.
In the previous section, we showed LFM induced transparency with Xmon excitation spectra. In this section, we coupled a Xmon in a one-dimensional transmission line to study the related quantum optic effect when applying LFM to Xmon.
The effect of superconducting artificial atom on the transmission coherent microwave photons has been reported in Refs. [19] and [20]. For example, strong atom–field interaction was realized with a superconducting flux qubit embedded in a one-dimensional transmission line, demonstrating a high degree extinction of propagating wave and showing the resonance fluorescence.[19] Later in another work, a transmon qubit was embedded in a one-dimensional transmission line, and the authors used the ATS effect to control the passage or reflection of single-photon level coherent microwave.[20] Other quantum optical effects and applications due to the interaction between artificial atoms and propagating photons in one-dimension transmission lines were studied theoretically and experimentally in Refs. [21]–[37].
In the following, we show that the LFM on a qubit can change the transmission properties of single-photon level coherent microwave. As shown in Ref. [19], for a qubit placed at x = 0 and an incident microwave V0(x,t) = V0eikx−iω0t, where k is the wavenumber and ω0 is the frequency, if the qubit frequency also is ω0, the scattered wave is Vsc(x,t) = Vsceik|x|−iω0t. Then, the reflected wave is Vr(x,t) = Vsc, and the transmitted wave is the coherent interference of the scattered wave and incident wave Vt(x,t) = V0 + Vsc. Because of the boundary condition for the scattered wave, the scattered wave is in opposite phase with the incident wave. Hence, these two waves are in destruction interference in the transmitted direction.
If the qubit is modulated by LFM, the energy level difference becomes ħ(ω0 + λzcos(ωlt)). It would generate scattered waves with multiple frequency, and the amplitude of each different frequency component varies in the form
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The measured data are shown in Fig.
In the following, we demonstrate transient control of single-photon level coherent microwave transmission by turning on and off the LFM. At first, we measure the transmittance as a function of the incident wave power and the results are shown in Fig.
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According to the data in Fig.
We have investigated the effect of longitudinal field modulation on the properties of superconducting Xmon qubit. In the first experiment, we measured the excitation spectra of a superconducting Xmon qubit while simultaneously applying a longitudinal field modulation through the Z control line and a transverse field drive through the XY control line. We observed the appearance of transitions at frequencies different from the qubit frequency by multiple times of the modulation frequency. Furthermore, transition peaks disappeared when the amplitude λz and frequency ωl of the modulation field met the condition λz ≈ 2.4 ωl, as if the qubit became transparent to the resonance photons. In the second experiment, we used this effect to dynamically control the transmission of coherent microwave at the single-photon level.
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